[](https://travis-ci.org/AnaTofuZ/p5-webservice-YDMM) [](https://metacpan.org/release/WebService-YDMM) # NAME WebService::YDMM - It's yet another DMM sdk. # SYNOPSIS use WebService::YDMM; my $dmm = WebService::YDMM->new( affiliate_id => ${affiliate_id}, api_id => ${api_id}, ); my $items = $dmm->item("DMM.com",+{ keyword => "魔法少女まどか☆マギカ"})->{items}; # or my $items = $dmm->item(+{ site => "DMM.R18" , keyword => "魔法少女まどか☆マギカ"}); say $items->[0]->{floor_name} # "コミック" say $items->[0]->{iteminfo}->{author}->[1]->{name} #"ハノカゲ" # DESCRIPTION WebService::YDMM is another DMM webservice module. [DMM](http://www.dmm.com) is Japanese shopping site. This module supported by [DMM.API](https://affiliate.dmm.com/api/). # METHODS ## new(%params) Create instance of WebService::Reactio. _%params_ must have following parameter: - api\_id API ID of DMM.com web service You can get API key on project application for DMM affiliate service. - affiliate\_id Affiliate ID of DMM.com web service You can get API key on project application for DMM affiliate service. This affiliate\_id validate of 990 ~ 999 number. ## item(\[$site\],\\%params) You can get item list for DMM.com - $site \[MUST\] You must use either "DMM.com" or DMM.R18" for item param. Item param can insert \\%params . ## floor() You can get floor list. This methods no requires parameters. ## actress(\\%params) You can get actres information from DMM. ## genre(\[$floor\_id\],\\%params) You can get genre information. - $floor\_id \[MUST\] This method must $floor\_id from floor list. Floor\_id param can insert \\%params . ## maker(\[$floor\_id\],\\%params) You can get maker information. - $floor\_id \[MUST\] This method must $floor\_id from floor list. Floor\_id param can insert \\%params . ## series(\[$floor\_id\],\\%params) You can get series information. - $floor\_id \[MUST\] This method must $floor\_id from floor list. Floor\_id param can insert \\%params . ## author(\[$floor\_id\],\\%params) You can get author information. - $floor\_id \[MUST\] This method must $floor\_id from floor list. Floor\_id param can insert \\%params . ### \\%params %params has officional query parameter. Please check as appropriate for officional api support page from DMM. # LICENSE Copyright (C) AnaTofuZ. DMM API Copyright Powered by [DMM.com Webサービス](https://affiliate.dmm.com/api/) Powered by [DMM.R18 Webサービス](https://affiliate.dmm.com/api/) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR AnaTofuZ <anatofuz@gmail.com>