NAME App::FilterUtils - Command-line filter utilities SYNOPSIS $ 2base 16 16 10 $ 2u 👨🎓 MAN <👨> 128104, Hex 1f468, Octal 372150 ZERO WIDTH JOINER <> 8205, Hex 200d, Octal 20015 GRADUATION CAP <🎓> 127891, Hex 1f393, Octal 371623 $ echo "مِــكَــرٍّ مِــفَــرٍّ مُــقْــبِــلٍ مُــدْبِــرٍ مَــعــاً" | artype ٍّرــَﻜــِﻣ ٍّرــَﻔــِﻣ ٍﻠــِﺒــْﻘــُﻣ ٍرــِﺒْدــُﻣ ًاــﻌــَﻣ $ ascii café caf $ byte 66062639 64M $ hz 10000 100us $ NFC é | xxd 00000000: c3a9 0a ... $ NFD é | xxd 00000000: 65cc 810a e... $ unac café cafe $ echo "خوخ" | unpt حوح $ echo "مِــكَــرٍّ مِــفَــرٍّ مُــقْــبِــلٍ مُــدْبِــرٍ مَــعــاً" | untashkeel مــكــر مــفــر مــقــبــل مــدبــر مــعــا USAGE All utilities answer to --version and --help. If arguments are provided, they are filtered. If there are no arguments, STDIN is read. UTILITIES App::FilterUtils::2base =item App::FilterUtils::2u =item App::FilterUtils::artype =item App::FilterUtils::ascii =item App::FilterUtils::byte =item App::FilterUtils::hz =item App::FilterUtils::NFC =item App::FilterUtils::NFD =item App::FilterUtils::unac =item App::FilterUtils::unpt =item App::FilterUtils::untashkeel GIT REPOSITORY SEE ALSO Migrated out of my .dotfiles repository <> AUTHOR Ahmad Fatoum <>, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 Ahmad Fatoum This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.