NAME Formatter - Module to perform report generation via query DBI SYNOPSIS use Formatter; format FMT_HEADER= ************************************************** * FIRST PAGE OF REPORT * ************************************************** . format FMT_TTITLE= ************************************************** * SOC : @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * $DEAZIEND ************************************************** PROG CDAZIEND CDDIPEND ---- -------- -------- . format FMT_BODY= @<<< @<<< @<<<<< $FMT->line, $CDAZIEND,$CDDIPEND . format FMT_CD1LVSTR= TOT]--> @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< 111, 111, 111 . format FMT_BTITLE= -------------------------------------------------- @</@</@< P.@<<< $DAY,$MONTH,$YEAR, $FMT->page . $BREAKS[0]="CDAZIEND"; $BREAKS[1]="CDDIPEND"; $FMT=new Formatter( 'DBI_DRIVER' => 'Oracle', 'DBI_DATABASE' => 'database', 'DBI_USERNAME' => 'dbusername', 'DBI_PASSWORD' => 'dbpassword', 'DBD_QUERY' => 'SELECT * FROM ANAGRA WHERE CLPERRIF=199901 ORDER BY CDAZIEND', 'BREAKS' => \@BREAKS, 'BREAKS_SKIP_PAGE' => { CD1LVSTR => 1, CDCCOSTO => 0 }, 'FORMAT_PAGESIZE' => 40, 'FORMAT_LINESIZE' => 50, 'FORMAT_FORMFEED' => "\f", 'FORMAT_HEADER' => *FMT_HEADER, 'FORMAT_TTITLE' => *FMT_TTITLE, 'FORMAT_BTITLE' => *FMT_BTITLE, 'FORMAT_BTITLE_HEIGHT' => 2, 'FORMAT_BODY' => *FMT_BODY, 'FORMAT_BREAKS' => { CD1LVSTR => *FMT_CD1LVSTR, }, 'EVENT_PREHEADER' => \&PREHEADER, 'EVENT_POSTHEADER' => \&POSTHEADER, 'EVENT_PRETTITLE' => \&PRETTITLE, 'EVENT_POSTTTITLE' => \&POSTTTITLE, 'EVENT_PREBODY' => \&PREBODY, 'EVENT_POSTBODY' => \&POSTBODY, 'EVENT_PREBTITLE' => \&PREBTITLE, 'EVENT_POSTBTITLE' => \&POSTBTITLE, 'EVENT_ALLBREAKS' => \&BREAKALL, 'EVENT_BREAKS' => { CDAZIEND => \&CDAZIEND, CDDIPEND => \&CDDIPEND } ); $FMT->generate(); sub PREHEADER {do something before header print out} sub POSTHEADER {do something after header print out} sub PRETTITLE {do something before top title print out} sub POSTTTITLE {do something after top title print out} sub PREBTITLE {do something before bottom title print out} sub POSTBTITLE {do something after bottom title print out} sub PREBODY {do something before body print out} sub POSTBODY {do something after body print out} $FMT->ofmt("Print out a line during report generation",">"); DESCRIPTION Formatter module perform report generation based on DBI query. DEFINITION Function new The <new> function create the Formatter object and configure it for all parameters required for report generation. One by one parameter definition: * DBI_DRIVER => Specify wath driver you would use for connect to your database. (See DBD drivers for specific) * DBI_DATABASE => Specify database name (or instance). In union of last parameter it create connection string : dbi:DBI_DRIVER:DBI_DATABASE * DBI_USERNAME => Specify database username * DBI_PASSWORD => Specify database DBI_USERNAME password * DBD_QUERY => Point to a string where Sql Query are located * BREAKS => Point to an array containing fields that cause a break in the report * BREAKS_SKIP_PAGE => Point to an hash that specify if a new page are performed when the break FORMAT ar printed * FORMAT_PAGESIZE => Specify page height in character * FORMAT_LINESIZE => Specify line width in character (only for outf use) * FORMAT_FORMFEED => Specify formfeed sequence when a formfeed or newpage are requested * FORMAT_HEADER => Point to filehandle of the header definition for the report * FORMAT_TTITLE => Point to filehandle of the top title definition for the report * FORMAT_BODY => Point to filehandle of the body definition for the report * FORMAT_BTITLE => Point to filehandle of the bottom title definition for the report * FORMAT_BTITLE_HEIGHT => Height in lines of BTITLE * FORMAT_BREAKS => Point to an hash containig break fields related to its format filehandle definition * EVENT_PREHEDER => Point to the subroutine that is called before header generation * EVENT_POSTHEDER => Point to the subroutine that is called after header generation * EVENT_PRETTITLE => Point to the subroutine that is called before top title generation * EVENT_POSTTTITLE => Point to the subroutine that is called after top title generation * EVENT_PREBODY => Point to the subroutine that is called before body generation * EVENT_POSTBODY => Point to the subroutine that is called after body generation * EVENT_PREBTITLE => Point to the subroutine that is called before bottom title generation * EVENT_POSTBTITLE => Point to the subroutine that is called after bottom title generation * EVENT_BREAKS => Point to structure that contains break fields related to subroutine to execute when the break is berformed DBI_DRIVER DBI_DRIVER specify driver to use for connection within Database via DBI::DBD module. Ex. * Oracle (Oracle database) * CSV (Comma separated database) * Pg (PostgreSQL database) ... ecc. For specific look at DBD::<Driver> DBI_DATABASE The clause DBI_DATABASE can change from db to db , look at DBD::Driver for your specific. Example parameter are: * ORACLE_SID for Oracle database * f_dir=/csv/data for CSV file specify directory location of text-file-table * dbname=your db name for PostgreSQL database * DSN for ADO db connection DBI_USERNAME DBI_PASSWORD Specify in order username and password of the user granted to use database DBD_QUERY Here you can pass your query (SQL) , that is fetched for report generation. Example to pass query are: * Example 1 (Direct via parameters) $FMT=new Formatter( 'DBI_DRIVER' => 'Oracle', 'DBI_DATABASE' => 'database', 'DBI_USERNAME' => 'dbusername', 'DBI_PASSWORD' => 'dbpassword', 'DBD_QUERY' => 'SELECT * FROM ANAGRA WHERE CLPERRIF=199901 ORDER BY CDAZIEND', ... * Example 2 (Via variable) $query = qq { SELECT * FROM ANAGRA WHERE CLPERRIF=199901 AND CDAZIEND=345 ORDER BY CDAZIEND }; $FMT=new Formatter( 'DBI_DRIVER' => 'Oracle', 'DBI_DATABASE' => 'database', 'DBI_USERNAME' => 'dbusername', 'DBI_PASSWORD' => 'dbpassword', 'DBD_QUERY' => $query, ... BREAKS Specify an array containing fields that cause a break in the report. When a breaks is performed 2 step are executed, first an EVENT_BREAKS is called if defined , second a FORMAT_BREAKS is printed out if defined. For convenience if you would like to generate a new format when a field change you can use first statement because is called after FORMAT_BREAKS (and if they are subtotal are printed before), using the putformat function in the event routine, for example: format FMT_DEPARTEMENT= TOTALS FOR DEPARTEMENT ARE ]--> @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< 111, 111, 111 . format FMT_SUBDEPARTEMENT ********************************* * @|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| * $SUBDEPARTEMENT ********************************* . $BREAKS[0]="DEPARTEMENT"; $BREAKS[1]="SUBDEPARTEMENT"; $FMT=Formatter->new ( ... 'BREAKS' => \@BREAKS, 'BREAKS_SKIP_PAGE' => { DEPARTEMENT => 1, SUBDEPARTEMENT => 0 }, 'FORMAT_BREAKS' => { DEPARTEMENT => *FMT_DEPARTEMENT }, 'EVENT_BREAKS' => { SUBDEPARTEMENT => \&MySubDepartement }, ... ); sub MySubDepartement {$FMT->putformat(*FMT_SUBDEPARTEMENT)}; In this way a possible output is : ******************************************************* * REPORT BY SUBDEPARTMENT * ******************************************************* ********************************* * CHEMICALS * ********************************* 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 ********************************* * PHARMACIA * ********************************* 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 TOTALS FOR DEPARTEMENT ARE ]--> 111 111 111 BREAKS_SKIP_PAGE This parameter specify only if a new page is called after a break FORMAT is writed. FORMAT_PAGESIZE (Optional-Deafult=60) Specify how many lines are printed for each piece of paper. FORMAT_LINESIZE (Optional-Default=130) Specify how many character are counted by an outf function to perform alignement of text. FORMAT_FORMFEED (Optional-Deafult=\f) Specify the form feed sequence that are called whem a newpage or a formfeed function are called ( and alse a new page of report is required) Default value are CTRL-L (\f) FORMAT_HEADER (Optional) This parameter point to the format fileheader for HEADER page. Definition of format specific can be found in Perl documentation. Header page is printed only one time at beginning of the report and normally include general specification or purpose of report. Example: format MY_HEADER= ****************************************** * DATE : @</@</@<<< * $dd,$mm,$yyyy * PURPOSE : Statistique about user login * ****************************************** . FORMAT_TTITLE (Optional) Identical to HEADER definition. TTITLE is printed on every change of page in the top of the report page FORMAT_BODY (Optional) Identical to HEADER definition. BODY is printed on every change of value in fetch of query statament, values of query are passed and traslated to real variable in the main caller program. Example : if query is SELECT NAME,SURNAME,ADDRESS FROM ADDRESSBOOK in yours format values $NAME,$SURNAME,$ADDRESS are created and updated on every fetch. format MYBODY= @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $NAME, $SURNAME $ADDRESS . FORMAT_BTITLE (Optional) Identical to HEADER definition. BTITLE is printed on every change of page in the bottom of the report page FORMAT_BTITLE_HEIGHT (Option if FORMAT_BTITLE not specified) This parameter specify how many lines are printed by the FORMAT_BTITLE definition. I have put this parameter beacuse i don't know how to inform automatically my package in what lines is used by a format definition. If anyone know how to make it possible please contact me. FORMAT_BREAKS This parameter point to a structure where are located by fields format filehandle definitions. For use see the BREAKS specifics. EVENT_PRE... All EVENT_PRE... (EVENT_PREHEADER,EVENT_PRETTITLE ...) parameters points to a routine defined by the user that is called before the event handle is performed. For example if you would like to change a value in the top title before is print out you need to create a sub for example named MyBeforeTopTitle in which you change a value , and then you pass this reference to the EVENT_PRETTITLE parameter : 'EVENT_PRETTITLE' => \&MyBeforeTopTitle Remember that all values created by the fetch statement are already updated when all events are generated EVENT_POST... Is identical to the last but is applied after the event handle occurs. EVENT_BREAKS This parameter point to a structure that specify by fields events that can be generated when a break is performed after a FORMAT_BREAKS is printed out. FUNCTIONS Function generate This function call all parameters and build the report. Function ofmt This function place a text in the report over formatting definition , is only for special case in which is impossible to place text on format definition (if you found when please contact me). Formatter->ofmt ("Text to print out",position flag,position character); * Position flag The position flag specify where text are printed , possible values are: < Text are aligned to left of the line > Text are aligned to right of the line | Text are aligned in the middle of the line C Enable Position * Position character The position character specify the position in the line where the text are printed Function page The page function return number of page in this moment Function line The line function return the line position in the moment Function newpage The new page function send a complete new page to the report this is the next sequence : * Print the bottom title in the current page * Send the form feed sequence * Print the top title in the new page Function formfeed The formfeed function send only the form feed sequence to the report and not perform the title generation. AUTHOR Vecchio Fabrizio <> SEE ALSO the DBI manpage