# NAME WWW::Scraper::F1 - Use f1.com race data seamlessly in perl. <a href="http://travis-ci.org/FreekKalter/WWW-Scraper-F1"><img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/FreekKalter/WWW-Scraper-F1.png" alt="Build status"></a> # SYNOPSIS use WWW::Scraper:F1; my $top = get_top_championship( { length => 5 } ); my $upcoming = get_upcoming_race(); # FUNCTIONS ## get\_top\_championship() This functions retrieves the current championship. It returns a reference to an array of hashes. By default it returns the top 5 drivers like this. [ { name Sebastian Vettel , points 55 , team Red Bull Racing } { name Fernando Alonso , points 40 , team Ferrari } ] You can specify options via a hash reference `get_top_chamionship( {length => 3} )` ## get\_upcoming\_race() This function returns a reference to a hash. The hash elements contain information about the upcoming race. The hash looks like this: { 'country' => 'Canada', 'city' => 'Montreal', 'time' => '10/06/12 20:00:00', 'countdown' => '7 days 21 hours' } You can specify options via a hash refernce, `get_upcoming_rac( { cache => 0 } )` Available options: - cache Set this to 0, to not use the internal cache mechanism. This will disable reading form the cache file, it will still write the results of the call to it. # INTERNALS This module caches the results fetched from f1.com for futher use. Since the actual data only changes after a race, it only needs to fetch it again if the cache is older then the previous race. # AUTHOR Freek Kalter freek@kalteronline.org [http://kalteronline.org](http://kalteronline.org) # COPYRIGHT This module is distributed under the same lincense as perl5 itself.