Data/Binder version 1.00

A Binder is a special map of keys to potential values; it supports
non-conflicting unification against other Binders or terms.  Each key
term in the Binder may be unbound (associated with an undef value), or
bound to a defined scalar value.  Unbound keys may be bound to anything,
and bound keys may only be bound to identical values.  Attempts to bind a
new set of values succeeds completely or fails without changes.

Binders are useful in unifying a simple set of arguments to values, such
as in languages like Prolog.  Bind any lowercase arguments to themselves,
and uppercase "variable" arguments to the caller's values.  If binding
not successful, then the rule is inappropriate.

They are also useful when a number of multi-faceted objects or strategies
need to be tested against a single opportunity, but the available facets
for each object or strategy are not always the same.  Describe the facets
with a hash, and the opportunity with a binder; inappropriate facet
values will fail the unification.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires only stock modules such as warnings, strict and Carp.


Copyright 1998-2003 by Ed Halley

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.