[](https://github.com/spiritloose/Media-MediaInfoLib/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Media-MediaInfoLib) # NAME Media::MediaInfoLib - Perl interface to the MediaInfoLib # SYNOPSIS use Media::MediaInfoLib qw(STREAM_VIDEO); my $info = Media::MediaInfoLib->open('/path/to/file.mp4'); print $info->get(STREAM_VIDEO, 0, 'BitRate'), "\n"; print $info->inform, "\n"; # DESCRIPTION Media::MediaInfoLib module provides an interface to the MediaInfoLib. # METHODS ## Media::MediaInfoLib->open($filename\_or\_content) Open the file (Scalar) or content (ScalarRef). ## $info->inform() Get all details about a file in one string. ## $info->get($stream\_kind, $stream\_number, $parameter \[,$info\_kind = INFO\_TEXT, $search\_kind = INFO\_NAME\]) Get a piece of information about a file. ## $info->option($option \[,$value = ""\]) Configure or get information about MediaInfoLib. ## $info->option\_static($option \[,$value = ""\]) Configure or get information about MediaInfoLib. ## $info->count\_get($stream\_kind \[,$stream\_number = -1\]) Count of streams of a stream kind, or count of piece of information in this stream. # CONSTANTS ## STREAM\_GENERAL ## STREAM\_VIDEO ## STREAM\_AUDIO ## STREAM\_TEXT ## STREAM\_OTHER ## STREAM\_IMAGE ## STREAM\_MENU ## INFO\_NAME ## INFO\_TEXT ## INFO\_MEASURE ## INFO\_OPTIONS ## INFO\_NAME\_TEXT ## INFO\_MEASURE\_TEXT ## INFO\_INFO ## INFO\_HOWTO ## INFO\_DOMAIN # SEE ALSO [https://github.com/MediaArea/MediaInfoLib](https://github.com/MediaArea/MediaInfoLib) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Jiro Nishiguchi. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Jiro Nishiguchi <jiro@cpan.org>