*    iodbc.pm  The perl iODBC extension 0.1  *
*  Copyright (C) 1996 J. Michael Mahan and   *
*  Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology       *
*    This package is free software; you can  *
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the *
* terms of the GNU General Public License or *
* Larry Wall's "Artistic License".           *
*    This package is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY    *
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty*
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General   *
* Public License for more details.           *

This extension provides the core ODBC API to perl.

You will need the following configured correctly on your system:

	An iODBC Driver Manager
	A Data Source Driver
	Perl 5.003

You should have a grasp of the ODBC API before using this extension.
The documentation included with perl iODBC is limited to the syntax
 of the perl implementation.

To build do the following:

Edit the Makefile.PL so it is consistent with your system.
Also edit t/methods.t as follows.


To what they would need to be to connect to your data source.

for example:

If you need to use SQLDriverConnect() to connect to your
datasource your out of luck with this version.  You could
add it yourself our wait for the next major release which
should have iODBC level 1 support. 

next type:
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test

and if that goes smoothly--
type as root:
  make install

If it doesn't go smoothly the package may still work for what you 
want to do.  Check to see where it failed and why.  For example.
Mine fails because of either the driver manager or the database drivers. 

I included a sample program called example.pl.  It takes sql commands
and prints the results.

To view the man pages for the extension type man iodbc.

I tested the extension on GNU Linux 2.07 using iODBC driver manager
version 2.12.0 by Jin, Ke.  The Driver was Openlink's Postgres 95 Database
Agent (beta).  The isql.h included with 2.12.0 does not include all the
defined constants.  Also Openlink's driver did not work for repeated 
SQLExecute.  I would really like to hear how the extension works for 
anyone using a different driver or driver manager.  

This is the first release so there will probably be problems.  Please 
send bugs/questions to: