# IO::Socket::Async::SSL [](https://travis-ci.org/jnthn/p6-io-socket-async-ssl) This module provides a secure sockets implementation with an API very much like that of the Raku built-in `IO::Socket::Async` class. For the client case, provided the standard certificate and host verification are sufficient, it is drop-in replacement. The server case only needs two extra arguments to `listen`, specifying the server key and certificate. As with `IO::Socket::Async`, it is safe to have concurrent connections and to share them across threads. ## Synopsis Client: use IO::Socket::Async::SSL; my $conn = await IO::Socket::Async::SSL.connect('www.raku.org', 443); $conn.print: "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.raku.org\r\n\r\n"; react { whenever $conn { .print } } $conn.close; Server (assumes certificate and key files `server-crt.pem` and `server-key.pem`): use IO::Socket::Async::SSL; react { my %ssl-config = certificate-file => 'server-crt.pem', private-key-file => 'server-key.pem'; whenever IO::Socket::Async::SSL.listen('localhost', 4433, |%ssl-config) -> $conn { my $req = ''; whenever $conn { $req ~= $_; if $req.contains("\r\n\r\n") { say $req.lines[0]; await $conn.print( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" ~ "<strong>Hello from a Raku HTTP server</strong>\n"); $conn.close; } } } } ## Client The `connect` method on `IO::Socket::Async::SSL` is used to establish a SSL connection to a server. It requies two positional arguments, which specify the `host` and `port` to connect to. It returns a `Promise`, which will be kept with an `IO::Socket::Async::SSL` instance when the connection is established and the SSL handshake completed. my $conn = await IO::Socket::Async::SSL.connect($host, $port); By default, the SSL certificate will be verified, using the default set of accepted Certificate Authorities. The `Promise` return by `conenct` will be broken if verification fails. Sometimes it is convenient to create a CA and use it to sign certificates for internal use, for example to secure communications between a set of services on an internal network. In this case, the `ca-file` named argument can be passed to specify the certificate authority certificate file: my $ca-file = '/config/ca-crt.pem'; my $conn = await IO::Socket::Async::SSL.connect('user-service', 443, :$ca-file); Alternatively, a `ca-path` argument can be specified, indicating a directory where one or more certificates may be found. It is possible to disable certificate verification by passing the `insecure` named argument a true value. As the name suggests, **this is not a secure configuration**, since there is no way for the client to be sure that it is communicating with the intended server. Therefore, it is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. For control over the ciphers that may be used, pass the `ciphers` argument to `connect`. It should be a string in [OpenSSL cipher list format](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/apps/ciphers.html). ## Server The `listen` method returns a `Supply` that, when tapped, will start an SSL server. The server can be shut down by closing the tap. Whenever a connection is made to the server, the `Supply` will emit an `IO::Socket::Async::SSL` instance. The `listen` method requires two positional arguments, specifying the `host` and `port` to listen on. Two named arguments are also required, providing the `certificate-file` and `private-key-file`. my %ssl-config = certificate-file => 'server-crt.pem', private-key-file => 'server-key.pem'; my $connections = IO::Socket::Async::SSL.listen('localhost', 4433, |%ssl-config); react { my $listener = do whenever $connections -> $conn { say "Got a connection!"; $conn.close; } whenever signal(SIGINT) { say "Shutting down..."; $listener.close; exit; } } For control over the ciphers that may be used, pass the `ciphers` argument to `connect`. It should be a string in [OpenSSL cipher list format](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/apps/ciphers.html). The following boolean options are also accepted: * `prefer-server-ciphers` - indicates that the order of the ciphers list as configured on the server should be preferred over that of the one presented by the client * `no-compression` - disables compression * `no-session-resumption-on-renegotiation` ## Common client and server functionality Both the `connect` and `listen` methods take the following optional named arguments: * `enc`, which specifies the encoding to use when the socket is used in character mode. Defaults to `utf-8`. * `scheduler`, which specifies the scheduler to use for processing events from the underlying `IO::Socket::Async` instance. The default is `$*SCHEDULER`. There is rarely a need to change this. The `Supply`, `print`, `write`, and `close` methods have the same semantics as in [IO::Socket::Async](https://docs.raku.org/type/IO$COLON$COLONSocket$COLON$COLONAsync). ## Upgrading connections Some protocols use [opportunistic TLS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opportunistic_TLS), where the decision to use transport layer security is first negotiated using a non-encrypted protocol - provided negotiation is successful - a TLS handshake is then performed. This functionality is provided by the `upgrade-server` and `upgrade-client` methods. Note that the socket to upgrade must be an instance of `IO::Socket::Async`. Further, it is important to **stop reading from the socket before initiating the upgrade**, which will typically entail working with the `Tap` directly, something not normally needed in `react`/`whenever` blocks. Here is an example of using `upgrade-server`. react whenever IO::Socket::Async.listen('localhost', TEST_PORT) -> $plain-conn { my $plain-tap = do whenever $plain-conn.Supply -> $start { if $start eq "Psst, let's talk securely!\n" { # Must stop reading... $plain-tap.close; # ...so the module can take over the socket. my $enc-conn-handshake = IO::Socket::Async::SSL.upgrade-server( $plain-conn, private-key-file => 't/certs-and-keys/server.key', certificate-file => 't/certs-and-keys/server-bundle.crt' ); whenever $enc-conn-handshake -> $enc-conn { uc-service($enc-conn); } $plain-conn.print("OK, let's talk securely!\n"); } else { $plain-conn.print("OK, let's talk insecurely\n"); uc-service($plain-conn); } } sub uc-service($conn) { whenever $conn -> $crypt-text { whenever $conn.print($crypt-text.uc) { $conn.close; } } } } Here's an example using `upgrade-client`; again, take note of the careful handling of the `Tap`. my $plain-conn = await IO::Socket::Async.connect('localhost', TEST_PORT); await $plain-conn.print("Psst, let's talk securely!\n"); react { my $plain-tap = do whenever $plain-conn -> $msg { $plain-tap.close; my $enc-conn-handshake = IO::Socket::Async::SSL.upgrade-client( $plain-conn, host => 'localhost', ca-file => 't/certs-and-keys/ca.crt'); whenever $enc-conn-handshake -> $enc-conn { await $enc-conn.print("hello!\n"); whenever $enc-conn.head -> $got { print $got; # HELLO! done; } } } } ## Bugs, feature requests, and contributions Please use [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/jnthn/p6-io-socket-async-ssl/issues) to file bug reports and feature requests. If you wish to contribute to this module, please open a GitHub Pull Request, or email a Git patch (produced using `format-patch`) to [jnthn@jnthn.net](mailto:jnthn@jnthn.net). Please also use this email address to report security vulnerabilities.