[](https://github.com/nyarla/p5-Text-HyperScript/actions) # NAME Text::HyperScript - Let's write html/xml templates as perl code! # SYNOPSIS use feature qw(say); use Text::HyperScript qw(h true); # tag only say h('hr'); # => '<hr />' say h(script => q{}); # => '<script></script>' # tag with content say h('p', 'hi,'); # => '<p>hi,</p>' say h('p', ['hi,']); # => '<p>hi,</p>' say h('p', 'hi', h('b', ['anonymous'])); # => '<p>hi,<b>anonymous</b></p>' say h('p', 'foo', ['bar'], 'baz'); # => '<p>foobarbarz</p>' # tag with attributes say h('hr', { id => 'foo' }); # => '<hr id="foo" />' say h('hr', { id => 'foo', class => 'bar'}); # => '<hr class="bar" id="foo">' say h('hr', { class => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); # => '<hr class="bar baz foo">' # tag with prefixed attributes say h('hr', { data => { foo => 'bar' } }); # => '<hr data-foo="bar">' say h('hr', { data => { foo => [qw(foo bar baz)] } }); # => '<hr data-foo="bar baz foo">' # tag with value-less attribute say h('script', { crossorigin => true }, ""); # <script crossorigin></script> # DESCRIPTION This module is a html/xml tags generator like as hyperscript-ish style. # FEATURES - All html/xml tags write as perl code! We're able to write html/xml templates witout raw markup. - Generates automatic escaped html/xml tags This module generates automatic escaped html/xml tags by default. Like this: use feature qw(say); say h('p', 'hello, <script>alert("XSS!")</script>') # => <p>hello, <scrip>alert("XSS!")</script></p> - Includes shorthand for multiple class name and prefixed attributes This module has shorthand multiple class name, and data or aria and others prefixed attributes. For examples: use feature qw(say); say h('h1', { class => [qw/ C B A /] }, 'msg'); # => <h1 class="A B C">msg</h1> say h('button', { data => { click => '1' } }, 'label'); # => <button data-click="1">label</button> say h('a', { href => '#', aria => {label => 'label' } }, 'link'); # => <a aria-label="label" href="#">link</a> - Enable to generate empty and empty content tags This module supports empty element and empty content tags. Like that: use feature qw(say); say h('hr'); # empty tag # => <hr /> say h('script', '') # empty content tag # => <script></script> # TAGSETS This modules includes shorthand modules for writes tag name as subroutine. Currently Supported: HTML5: [Text::HyperScript::HTML5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AHyperScript%3A%3AHTML5) # MODULE FUNCTIONS ## text This function generates html/xml escaped text. ## raw This function generates raw text **without html/xml escape**. This function **should be used for display trusted text content**. ## true / false (constants) This constants use for value-less attributes. For examples, if we'd like to use `crossorigin` attriute on `script` tag, we're able to use these contants like this: use feature qw(say); say h('scirpt', { crossorigin => true }, '') # => <scritp crossorigin></script> `false` constants exists for override value-less attributes. If set `false` to value-less attribute, that attribute ignored. ## h This function makes html/xml text from perl code. The first argument is tag name, and after argument could be passed these values as repeatable. NOTICE: The all element attributes sorted by ascendant. This behaviour is intentional for same result of reproducible output. - $text : Str The text string uses as a element content. For example: use feature qw(say); say h('p', 'hi,') # <- 'hi,' is a plain text string # => <p>hi,</p> - \\%attributes : HashRef\[Str | ArrayRef\[Str\] | HashRef\[Str\] \] The element attributes could be defined by these styles: - \\%attributes contains Str In this case, Str value uses for single value of attribute. use feature qw(say); say h('p', { id => 'msg' }, 'hi,') # => <p id="msg">hi,</p> - \\%attributes contains ArrayRef\[Str\] If attribute is ArrayRef\[Str\], these Str values joined by whitespace and sorted ascendant. use feature qw(say); say h('p', { class => [qw/ foo bar baz /] }, 'hi,') # => <p class="bar baz foo">hi,</p> - HashRef\[Str\] If attribute is HashRef\[Str\], this code means shorthand for prefixed attribute. use feature qw(say); say h('p', { data => { label => 'foo' } }, 'hi,') # => <p data-label="foo"></p> - \\@nested : ArrayRef The all ArrayRef passed to `h` function is flatten by internally. This ArrayRef supported all content type of `h` function. # LICENSE Copyright (C) OKAMURA Naoki a.k.a nyarla. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR OKAMURA Naoki a.k.a nyarla: <nyarla@kalaclista.com>