# NAME Mock::Person::JP - Generate random sets of Japanese names # SYNOPSIS use Mock::Person::JP; my $mpj = Mock::Person::JP->new; for (1 .. 10) { my $name = $mpj->create_person(sex => 'female')->name; printf("%s %s(%s %s)\n", $name->sei, $name->mei, $name->sei_yomi, $name->mei_yomi); } # Sample output (UTF-8 flag is on): # 小合 希砂妃(おごう きさき) # 井園 みのる(いその みのる) # 村山 菜奈世(むらやま ななよ) # 尾間 勇凪(おま いさな) # 水出 ソラ(みずいで そら) # 草間 未佑(くさま みゆ) # 高先 茶流(たかさき ちゃる) # 志津利 怜実(しつり れいみ) # 加賀 紫翠(かが しすい) # 倉重 夢里(くらしげ ゆり) # DESCRIPTION Mock::Person::JP generates random sets of Japanese names by using 142,611 first names and 23,022 last names. # METHODS ## new() Creates a new Mock::Person::JP instance. ## create\_person(sex => 'male' or 'female') Creates a new person with a random name. Sex option can take 'male' or 'female'. ## name() See [Mock::Person::JP::Person](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mock::Person::JP::Person). ## first\_name(), last\_name(), sei(), mei(), first\_name\_yomi(), last\_name\_yomi(), sei\_yomi(), mei\_yomi() See [Mock::Person::JP::Person::Name](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mock::Person::JP::Person::Name). # LICENSE - of the Module Copyright (C) 2014 pawa. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. - of 女の子の名前辞書用データ Copyright (C) ume20@dd.iij4u.or.jp. あなたは以下の条件に従う場合に限り、自由に ・本作品を複製、頒布、展示、実演することができます。 ・二次的著作物を作成することができます。 ・本作品を営利目的で利用することができます。 あなたの従うべき条件は以下の通りです。 ・帰属. あなたは原著作者のクレジットを表示しなければなりません。 ・再利用や頒布にあたっては、この作品の使用許諾条件を他の人々に明らかにしなければなりません。 ・著作[権]者から許可を得ると、これらの条件は適用されません。 ・上記によってあなたのフェアユースその他の権利が影響を受けることはまったくありません - of mecab-ipadic Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Nara Institute of Science and Technology. All Rights Reserved. Use, reproduction, and distribution of this software is permitted. Any copy of this software, whether in its original form or modified, must include both the above copyright notice and the following paragraphs. Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), the copyright holders, disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall NAIST be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. A large portion of the dictionary entries originate from ICOT Free Software. The following conditions for ICOT Free Software applies to the current dictionary as well. Each User may also freely distribute the Program, whether in its original form or modified, to any third party or parties, PROVIDED that the provisions of Section 3 ("NO WARRANTY") will ALWAYS appear on, or be attached to, the Program, which is distributed substantially in the same form as set out herein and that such intended distribution, if actually made, will neither violate or otherwise contravene any of the laws and regulations of the countries having jurisdiction over the User or the intended distribution itself. NO WARRANTY The program was produced on an experimental basis in the course of the research and development conducted during the project and is provided to users as so produced on an experimental basis. Accordingly, the program is provided without any warranty whatsoever, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. The term "warranty" used herein includes, but is not limited to, any warranty of the quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose of the program and the nonexistence of any infringement or violation of any right of any third party. Each user of the program will agree and understand, and be deemed to have agreed and understood, that there is no warranty whatsoever for the program and, accordingly, the entire risk arising from or otherwise connected with the program is assumed by the user. Therefore, neither ICOT, the copyright holder, or any other organization that participated in or was otherwise related to the development of the program and their respective officials, directors, officers and other employees shall be held liable for any and all damages, including, without limitation, general, special, incidental and consequential damages, arising out of or otherwise in connection with the use or inability to use the program or any product, material or result produced or otherwise obtained by using the program, regardless of whether they have been advised of, or otherwise had knowledge of, the possibility of such damages at any time during the project or thereafter. Each user will be deemed to have agreed to the foregoing by his or her commencement of use of the program. The term "use" as used herein includes, but is not limited to, the use, modification, copying and distribution of the program and the production of secondary products from the program. In the case where the program, whether in its original form or modified, was distributed or delivered to or received by a user from any person, organization or entity other than ICOT, unless it makes or grants independently of ICOT any specific warranty to the user in writing, such person, organization or entity, will also be exempted from and not be held liable to the user for any such damages as noted above as far as the program is concerned. - of ATOK10/11用人名テキスト 35,817語 Copyright (C) 憩舞華. 下記の方をのぞき 金銭を伴わない転載・改編は ご自由にどうぞ パソコン通信等にてシェアウエアを登録されている方はそのシェアウエアの使用権と引き替えに個人的使用に限り許諾いたします - of MS-IME95用人名テキスト 23,893語 Copyright (C) 憩舞華. 下記の方をのぞき 金銭を伴わない転載・改編は ご自由にどうぞ パソコン通信等にてシェアウエアを登録されている方はそのシェアウエアの使用権と引き替えに個人的使用に限り許諾いたします - of Enamdict Copyright is held by James William BREEN and The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group. The dictionary files are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence (V3.0). See [http://www.edrdg.org/edrdg/licence.html](http://www.edrdg.org/edrdg/licence.html) for the full licence. - of share/sei.tsv, share/mei\_female.tsv Copyright (C) pawa. You can redistribute these files and/or modify these files under the same terms as Perl itself. - of share/mei\_male.tsv Copyright (C) pawa. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same licence as Enamdict itself. This file contains almost all the male given names of Enamdict. # SEE ALSO - [Mock::Person](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mock::Person) - 戸籍法 第50条 - 戸籍法施行規則 第60条 # CONTRIBUTORS Ben Bullock (BKB) # AUTHOR pawa <pawa@pawafuru.com>