NAME Finance::Bank::Kraken - connector VERSION 0.3 SYNOPSIS require Finance::Bank::Kraken; $api = new Finance::Bank::Kraken; $api->key($mykrakenkey); $api->secret($mykrakensecret); $result = $api->call(Private, $method, [$arg1, $arg2, ..]); DESCRIPTION This module allows to connect to the api of the bitcoin market Kraken. Please see the Kraken API documentation <> for a catalog of api methods. METHODS $api = new Finance::Bank::Kraken The constructor. Returns a "Finance::Bank::Kraken" object. $api->key($key) Sets or gets the API key. $api->secret($secret) Sets the API secret to $secret or returns the API secret base64 decoded. $result = $api->call(Public, $method) $result = $api->call(Private, $method) $result = $api->call(Private, $method, [$param1, $param2, ..]) Calls the "Public" or "Private" API method $method (with the given $params, where applicable) and returns either the JSON encoded result string or an error message ("code" "message"). DEPENDENCIES HTTP::Request LWP::UserAgent MIME::Base64 Digest::SHA EXAMPLES get current XLTC market price in EUR use Finance::Bank::Kraken; use JSON; my $kraken = new Finance::Bank::Kraken; my $res = $kraken->call(Public, 'Ticker', ['pair=XLTCZEUR,XXBTZEUR']); printf "1 XLTC is %f EUR\n", from_json($res)->{'result'}->{'XLTCZEUR'}->{'c'}[0] unless $res =~ /^5/; get XLTC account balance use Finance::Bank::Kraken; use JSON; my $kraken = new Finance::Bank::Kraken; $kraken->key("mysupersecretkey"); $kraken->secret("mysupersecretsecret"); my $res = $kraken->call(Private, 'Balance'); printf "balance: %f XLTC\n", from_json($res)->{'result'}->{'XLTC'} unless $res =~ /^5/; Q&A Why does "call" return a 404? Probably you misspelled the method. Please check the API documentation and keep in mind the methods are case sensitive. Why does "call" return a 500? Maybe there's a problem with the ssl chain of trust. Either install Mozilla::CA or set (one of) the following environment variables "PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE", "HTTPS_CA_FILE", "PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH", "HTTPS_CA_DIR". See LWP::UserAgent for details. AUTHOR and COPYRIGHT Copyright Philippe Kueck <projects at unixadm dot org>