[](https://travis-ci.org/titsuki/raku-Geo-Hash) NAME ==== Geo::Hash - A Raku bindings for libgeohash SYNOPSIS ======== use Geo::Hash; my $hash = geo-encode(42.60498046875e0, -5.60302734375e0, 5); say $hash; # OUTPUT: «ezs42» my Geo::Hash::Coord $coord = geo-decode($hash); say $coord.latitude; # OUTPUT: «42.60498046875e0» say geo-neighbors($hash); # OUTPUT: «[ezs48 ezs49 ezs43 ezs41 ezs40 ezefp ezefr ezefx]» DESCRIPTION =========== Geo::Hash is a Raku bindings for libgeohash. SUBS ---- ### geo-encode Defined as: sub geo-encode(Num $lat, Num $lng, Int $precision --> Str) is export(:MANDATORY) Encodes given `$lat` and `$lng` pair with precision of `$precision` and creates a hash value. ### geo-decode Defined as: sub geo-decode(Str $hash --> Geo::Hash::Coord) is export(:MANDATORY) Decodes given `$hash` and creates a `Geo::Hash::Coord` object. ### geo-neighbors Defined as: sub geo-neighbors(Str $hash --> List) is export(:MANDATORY) Returns the 8-neighboring positions, where each position is represented as hash code. AUTHOR ====== titsuki <titsuki@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017 titsuki libgeohash ( https://github.com/simplegeo/libgeohash ) by Derek Smith is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the BSD-3-Clause License.