Run chef client on remote host using Sparrowdo.

# Travis build status

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-chef-client.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-chef-client)


    $ zef install Sparrowdo::Chef::Client


    $ cat sparrowfile

    module-run 'Chef::Client', %(
      run-list => [
      log-level => 'info',
      attributes => %(
        foo => %(
          bar => [ 1, 2 , 3]

# Parameters

## run-list

Should be a chef run list. Default value is empty Array.

## log-level

Sets log level for chef client run. Default level is `info`. Optional.
## attributes

Sets chef node attributes. From the Perl6 point of view it's just a Hash of parameters. 

For example:

    attributes => {
      foo => 'bar',
      bar => {
        baz => [ 1, 2, 3 ]

## local-mode

If set runs with `--local-mode`, see https://docs.chef.io/ctl_chef_client.html#run-in-local-mode

For example:

    local-mode => true


## chef-repo-path

Sets chef repository directory path, see also `local-mode`


## force-formatter

If set to True then chef-client gets called with --force-formatter flag. Optional.
Default value is False.

# Author

[Alexey Melezhik](melezhik@gmail.com)