
=head1 NAME

Net::MCMP - Mod Cluster Management Protocol client


    use Net::MCMP;
    my $mcmp = Net::MCMP->new( { uri => '' } );
            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Host     => 'localhost',
            Port     => '3000',
            Type     => 'http',
            Context  => '/myContext',
            Alias    => 'Vhost',

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Alias    => 'Vhost',
            Context  => '/myContext'

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Alias    => 'SomeHost',
            Context  => '/cluster'

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Load     => 55,

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Alias    => 'SomeHost',
            Context  => '/cluster'

            JvmRoute => 'MyJVMRoute',
            Alias    => 'SomeHost',
            Context  => '/cluster'


I<Net::MCMP> is an implementation of the Mod Cluster
Management Protocol (MCMP). I<Net::MCMP> uses I<LWP::UserAgent> and I<HTTP::Request> for its
communication with mod_cluster. 

MCMP stands for Mod Cluster Management Protocol and is a method of
adding proxy settings dynamically, as appose to
creating static apache rules. 

Official documentation of MCMP can be found here: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/Mod-ClusterManagementProtocol

=head1 USAGE

=head2 Net::MCMP->new(\%args)

Creates a new MCMP object, and returns a I<Net::MCMP> object 
representing that connection.

	my $mcmp = Net::MCMP({ uri => '', debug => 0});

I<%args> can contain:

=over 4

=item * uri (required)

The URI of a mod_cluster handler.

=item * debug (optional)

If set to a true value, debugging messages will be printed out
for every request and respons to mod_cluster.


=head2 $mcmp->config(\%conig)

Sends configuration for a node or set of nodes

If a low-level protocol error or unexpected local error occurs,
we die with an error message.

		JvmRoute            => "MyAppNode1",
		Balancer            => 'MyApp',
		Domain              => 'MyApp',
		StickySessionCookie => 'myapp_session',
		StickySessionPath   => 'myapp',
		Host                => '',
		Port                => '3000',
		Type                => 'http',
		Context             => '/myapp',
		Alias               => "MyApp",	

I<%config> can contain: 

=over 4

=item * JvmRoute (required)

Name of the node.

=item * Alias (required)

List the virtual hosts. ex. localhost,localhost2.

=item * Host (optional)

IP address (or hostname) where the node is going to receive requests from httpd (Defaults to localhost)

=item * Port (optional)

Port on which the node except to receive requests (Defaults to 8009)

=item * Type (optional)

http/https/ajp The protocol to use between httpd and application to process requests (Defaults to ajp)

=item * Domain (optional)

domain corresponding to the node (ie LB group), (Defaults to mycluster)

=item * Balancer (optional)

is the name of the balancer in httpd (Defaults to mycluster)

=item * StickySession (optional)

stick a request to a node "yes"/"no" (Defaults to "yes")

=item * StickySessionCookie (optional)

Name of the cookie containing the sessionid (Defaults to "JSESSIONID")

=item * StickySessionPath (optional)

Name of the parameter containing the sessionid (Defaults to "jsessionid")

=item * StickySessionRemove (optional)

remove the sessionid (cookie or parameter) when the request can't be routed to the right node "yes"/"no" (Defaults to "no")

=item * StickySessionForce (optional)

Return an error if the request can't be routed according to JVMRoute (Defaults to "yes")

=item * WaitWorker (optional)

value in seconds: time to wait for an available worker. (Defaults to 0, no wait)

=item * MaxAttempts (optional)

number of attemps to send the request to the backend server (Defaults to 1)

=item * FlushPackets (optional)

Tell how to flush the packets. On: Send immediately, Auto wait for flushwait time before sending, Off don't flush. (Defaults to "off")

=item * FlushWait (optional)

Time to wait before flushing. Value in seconds (Defaults to 10)

=item * Ping (optional)

Time to wait for a pong answer to a ping. 0 means we don't try to ping before sending. Value in secondes (Defaults to 10)

=item * Smax (optional)

soft max inactive connection over that limit after ttl are closed. Default depends on the mpm configuration

=item * Ttl (optional)

max time in seconds to life for connection above smax. (Defaults to 60)

=item * Timeout (optional)

Max time httpd will wait for the backend connection. (Defaults to 0, no timeout)

=item * Context (optional)

List of the contexts that node supports. ex. /myapp,/ourapp.


=head2 $mcmp->ping(\%ping)

Request a ping to httpd or node

	my $ping_resp = $mcmp->ping(
			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
	# SAMPLE $ping_response
	#$VAR1 = {
	#    'id' => '-540134453',
	#    'JvmRoute' => 'MyJVMRoute',
	#    'State' => 'OK',
	#    'Type' => 'PING-RSP'
=head2 $mcmp->enable_app(\%enable_app)

Sends request to enable newly configured Node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
			Alias    => 'MyApp',
			Context  => '/myapp'
=head2 $mcmp->status(\%status)

Sends load metrics for configured node, number from 1-100

	my $status_response = $mcmp->status(
			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
			Load    => 99,

	# SAMPLE $status_response
	# $VAR1 = {
	#     'State' => 'OK',
	#     'JvmRoute' => 'MyJVMRoute',
	#     'id' => '-297586570',
	#     'Type' => 'STATUS-RSP'
	# };
=head2 $mcmp->disable_app(\%disable_app)

Apache should not create new session for this webapp, but still continue serving existing session on this node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
			Alias    => 'MyApp',
			Context  => '/myapp'

=head2 $mcmp->stop_app(\%stop_app)

New requests for this webapp should not be sent to this node.

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
			Alias    => 'MyApp',
			Context  => '/myapp'

=head2 $mcmp->remove_app(\%remove_app)

Remove registered context from registered node.

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
			Alias    => 'MyApp',
			Context  => '/myapp'
=head2 $mcmp->enable_route(\%enable_route)

Sends request to enable all of the registered contexts in a selected node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',

=head2 $mcmp->disable_route(\%disable_route)

Sends request to disable all of the registered contexts in a selected node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',

=head2 $mcmp->stop_route(\%stop_route)

Sends request to stop all of the registered contexts in a selected node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
=head2 $mcmp->remove_route(\%remove_route)

Sends request to remove registered node

			JvmRoute => 'MyAppNode1',
=head2 $mcmp->debug()

Sends request to receive unparsed DEBUG content of mod_cluster

	my $debug_response = $mcmp->debug();

=head2 $mcmp->info()

Sends request to receive unparsed INFO content of mod_cluster

	my $info_response = $mcmp->info();

=head2 $mcmp->has_errors()

Checks if a remote call returned any errors

	my $has_errors = $mcmp->has_errors();

=head2 $mcmp->error()

Error string that was returned from mod_cluster handler.

	my $error_string = $mcmp->error();
=head1 SUPPORT

For samples/tutorials, take a look at provided tests in F<t/> in
the distribution directory.

Please report all bugs via github at

=head1 AUTHOR

Roman Jurkov (winfinit) E<lt>winfinit@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2014 the Net::MCMP L</AUTHORS> as listed above.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
